Understanding myself

I am not normally a follower of astrology charts nor do I even possess a half baked understanding of what they mean or what they tell you about the person or indeed even how it all fits into the universes big picture.

On occasion though, when I do my round up of news on the net to see whats happening in the world, I dont mind taking a glance at what the "cosmos" (or astrologer) has to say and this is what I was greeted with this morning.

Some processes take a remarkably long time before they get to critical mass. The pace of change can be almost glacial yet if it is change, it must have a pace and sooner or later, it must stop 'nearly happening' and start 'really happening'. You've been waiting for something so long that you've all but forgotten you were ever waiting. You've distracted yourself. You've paid attention to other matters. You've told yourself that you were silly to think that anything ever would occur. Only... just look what's starting to happen now... Now (news.com.au)

In, and of itself this quote may have no relevance to many people, but on this day, today, the words are relevant to me.

I have been working on a project for 4 years now, which in a very tangible way would revolutionise the wedding business in this country and in a rare, truly bona fide, win-win situation would benefit many people.

I have been dealing with a major international retail giant and got them to the point where they said YES to my idea and I truly felt that I had climbed the proverbial mountain...and I had.

Only I never realised that the vista ahead from the peak of that key decision saw many more valleys and mountains ahead of me yet to be conquered. Not that the realisation of that caused me to doubt or second guess myself, I think it just exacts something from you and can help make or break you as a person.

I have walked through moments of silence that deafen after moments of seeming clarity and the multi faceted areas of the details, to explosive moments of brilliance and understanding by all the parties involved.

I am still so excited about my idea, which is why I still pursue it, I still am so honoured that the idea came to me, and that I didnt sit on it.

History is replete with scenarios of people who have had flashes of brilliance and whose ideas have been stolen from them, where they have had to fight at great cost and at great expense to win back their rights or credibility.

I have heard of countless more scenarios where ideas of wonder are created and destroyed under the intensity of scrutiny and pressure, often not because the ideas were of no value, but because the hard, lonely work, and prolonged results may be too onerous, or because the due diligence has not been worked through as extensively, or because the creator lacks the desire to push against the walls of indifference from others.

For me, I stand resolute to see where the idea will lead. I have had doors close, I have had whispers of new ones open, I have had many aspects or links in the chain remain firm, whilst the key link to everything happening in the chain simply broke recently. I did not wallow, after all how could I dare indulge in such a wasteful occupation? It did cause me many moments in my recovery to think how can I make this better? what can I do to finally bring my idea to fruition?

Will I shrink now from the challenge when the road gets more rough? have I come this far now only to give up? If my successful realisation of a dream has taken significantly longer to occur, than many others I know of, does it mean that my dream is flawed or wont come true, or at worst am I wasting my time? I dont believe so.

This whole process has caused me to evaluate life and it's big questions. What is life all about? what am I meant to do? Was I put here for a reason other than to be a good person, a good father, a good husband, a good friend, a good photographer or a good Christian? I think there are moments when I spend time in each of these areas of life.

Whilst i have a reasonably clear vision from a spiritual perspective of what I think life is about, the reason I ask what it is all about is purely reflected from a personal desire to add value to life, to better the circumstance and capitalise on every opportunity I feel life has to offer for me.

I have evaluated what I want out of life often, and whilst I would love money to be a significant part of the equation, it is not my prime motivation. I have been on a quest to achieve the highest possible within me, to build a dream and have that dream benefit people long after I become a passing memory. I am often troubled by the many things that are still pending in my life that hinder me moving forward, things I have undertaken, things I have promised and agreed to that for a multitude of reasons remain unfulfilled. My frailties and weaknesses trouble me, and I am trying hard with the physical and time limitations we all battle with, to be better tomorrow than I am today.

My quest continues.........


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