Dr. Adrian

I had the wonderful opportunity of sharing a special moment in the life of a dear and special friend Adrian recently. He has completed and graduated with his PhD from the University of Western Sydney. I have been friends with Adrian from around 10 years old and he remains the longest and dearest friend I have. His is a friendship that even for the years when I was in the Philippines and he in the US of A, we were proverbially able to pick up a conversation almost at the point where it was left off. We have shared much together over the years. With Adrian there is never any competition between us, which I love, we have always been supportive of one another's endeavours and always shared a good laugh and similar interests.
I have also come to know and love his dear wife Sandra over that time and their children as they have come along. Sandra has had her PhD for 5 years now and has herself traveled the world, written books and countless articles that have been published in many international journals and is now an associate professor. I admire her greatly. It was fantastic to see her in a professional, academic light at the graduation ceremony.
I think it worthy to note here, that at no time has Dr. Sandra and now Dr. Adrian, EVER exuded an air of arrogance or pre-eminance in my association with them, they have always been the special friends I know them to be, and very well grounded.
The graduation was special for Adrian, and for me and the members of his family that were there as well. One of the special things that I witnessed was Dr. Sandra calling out the names of the graduates to the Vice-Chancellor of the university and I caught a stolen glance of pride and love from her after calling out her husbands name and looking at him before walking toward the Vice Chancellor and then to receive his certificate.
It was also a wonderful chance to catch up with a couple of Adrian's siblings whom I haven't seen together like this for the longest time. It was wonderful. I enjoyed catching up with Adrian's sister Jenny, whose outlook and humour are charming and endearing.
I was proud for my friend to have achieved this accolade which has been the essence of many years of effort and work, and done so against the odds. The one thing I love about Adrian is that he negotiates the world on his own terms, is respectful and fair and is always in possession of a smile and humorous line.
I thought I would show a couple of pictures that i think I took all the years ago as well,as some at the graduation.
