Back at the beginning

It has been quite a while since I wrote here, and certainly much has happened to me over that period of time. Much has happened in the world, and certainly events have again brought the financial world teetering to the edge of the abyss.
Over this time I have truly become both humbled, dazzled and confounded by life, by people and by attitudes. I have turned 45 somewhere in there and also been swept off my feet with surprise from the generosity and well wishes sent in my direction at a time when I try very deliberately to fly under the radar
A business opportunity I have fostered and pontificated on for several years, actually looks like it will happen as well which is exciting and very satisfying. I am really enjoying the moment at present. I find out the results of that over the next couple of weeks and if it is accepted, i will advise you all, as I will be needing help, and it will be paid help!
People are interesting aren't we. I have been partly silent on the blog for a while as I contemplated the view that others form of me when reading my posts. I was reminded of this when someone I have been close to made a comment about some of the posts that I had made here and then proceeded to suggest outcomes about what they believed was actually happening in my life. I was encouraged not to "read into things" that were said or written to me privately only to wonder more about interpersonal relations. How difficult and often a minefield it can be, throw in a bit of misunderstanding, a measure of pride and you have a potent mix of emotions if we are not careful. The suggested outcomes and beliefs the person expressed were incorrect I believe, but I allow them that right to believe whatever they choose. I respect the person, and issued no offence and took none from the exchange either, I have appreciated the introspection and reflection.
Over the last few months I have gone from 150 friends on facebook now to 2102 friends as of this morning. Rather crazy I submit. Do I have that many friends? No of course not, but once I understood the benefits of having lots of friends that exposes my work to a great many more people that might otherwise not know about my work. THAT is exciting.
I have also been approached to again create two paintings this year for Jeans for Genes, I know who one of them is and I am hoping to have the other one in a month or so. So I down my cameras for a while and express myself in a painted medium and I am breathless with anticipation as I contemplate how I can make a new item of art to help raise money for research into genetic abnormalities. I am so pleased to be a small contributor.
Jessica Watson a young 16 now 17 year old girl sailed by herself around the world, and I was one of thousands that was in Sydney to watch her triumphal return, I loved how in an incredibly mature frame of mind after such a long journey she made the observation that she "wasn't a hero, she was just a girl who had a dream, who worked hard to make it happen" and then encouraged all of us to reach our dreams. That is inspiring stuff, I was greatly moved by her words.
Following on from that there is a couple who have been on Australia's got talent, an 84 year old man and his 60 year old wife who have found success and happiness in dancing their way into our hearts on the television show, another octogenarian just skydived and I am loving that inspite of the doom and gloom that exists in certain circles that there are glimpses of brilliance and achievement of dreams that spurs me on and whispers again, "you are never too old to achieve your dreams". I am a late bloomer I suspect, but I am very grateful to see, hear and feel the things I have in recent days and weeks.
Sorry to have kept a few of you wondering, but it has been time well needed for a break, and I am back, thanks for the kind words Tub!! I thought I would show a couple of the wedding pictures I have taken over the past little while as well.
Time away is good for all of us occasionally.
We met at the Nikon evening you hosted in Armidale. Thanks for taking the time to do that, I gained alot from it!
Your images are inspiring and your words beautiful!
Hope you are not getting washed away in all this wet weather :)
Cheers, Julie