A thought for those of us who suffer at this time

I am not feeling very well at present, having contracted the flu in recent days, and after a very hectic travel schedule training people in the northern parts of this state and also in the New England parts. I have certainly loved it, but have also had the wonderful opportunity to mingle and meet different people whose enthusiasm and passion have only fueled my own. This has certainly helped counter act the feelings of being drained and wrung out.
My mobile phone died whilst I was away and I had no contact in or out for several days. I certainly missed the contact but was partly grateful for it. Apple replaced it for me as the phone was cactus basically. So I am happy to have that back and working. I have two phones, an apple Iphone 3G 16GB and a Blackberry and LOVE the iphone. The Genius centres in the apple store are amazing. They are a great tool.
Yet amidst the feelings of being tired and drained, and happy for my new phone, I have thought and felt very deeply for so many people at this festive time of year who are suffering. I think of those who have lost jobs and dont know how to find the money for bills or accommodation and those who are just hanging on thinking and hoping the economy picks up. I think of the people in the Philippines near the Mayon volcano who are being evacuated from their homes as the volcano is threatening to erupt and the many families around the world who face an uncertain future, who face an uncertain Christmas. At these moments I feel paralysed not knowing what I can do to make the biggest difference, yet we should each find something to do to help, no matter how small.
I hope that we can all find someone to help this Christmas. I dont know if we give money to a charity, or find someone we can offer help to, but as a family we are trying to help someone here in Australia on a work exchange program with no family here in Australia and are involving them in our family festivities. It is my wish that we all find at least one person whom we can genuinely help with something, even if it is a listening and non-judgemental ear. We never know where the ripples of the pond reach out to from a kindly act of love and kindness and I want those ripples to bring good will for each of us.
I am so very grateful for the little that I have that, in the light of third world comparison, is great and plentiful. I am grateful that I get to live the life I do. I send out a whole range of love, good wishes for the economy, the world and for the individuals who cry to be noticed, may we each notice. God bless and Merry Christmas to all.

The card I created for a good friend Doug and his family

The card I created for Glenn A. Baker who had his heart surgery a few weeks ago
Nice family photo by the way. :)