A funny New Zealand Commercial
Hi everyone, to say I have been busy is without doubt an understatement. I am sorry for not writing soon, but there is lots more coming. Here is a clip I saw from a New Zealand hardware store featuring some of their kids talking about building a retaining wall, there is a non so slight dig at Aussies (Australians) being lazy at the end. A great little commercial.
Dan asked to have the transcript of the commercial owing to their accents, here it appears with a bit of commentary
Blue Shirt Boy (BSB): - What are you Doin this weekend?
Flannelette shirt boy (FSB):- I’m putting up a retaining wall !
BSB: Doing it yourself?
FSB: Nah, I’m going to get some bloke in! (Bloke is an idiom for man)
BSB: Oh, C’mon mate, Do it yourself!!!
FSB: She’s a pretty big job? (Expressing some doubt as to his capacity to fulfil the task.)
BSB: Aw You’ll be right! (meaning, don’t sweat it you can do it!)
FSB: You Reckon? ( meaning, you sure I can do it?)
BSB: We can knock it over in half a day (meaning its small, we can do it in half a day)
FSB: Yeah??
BSB: Get a couple of mates around! ( with many hands the work becomes light.)
Hey Jonesy!
Yellow Shirt Boy (YSB): Ha?
BSB: Give us a hand with a job Saturday?! (meaning come and help us do some work)
YSB: Mate!! You’re Dreaming! (meaning get lost, I am not going to help you)
As BSB and FSB shake their heads at each other
FSB: Aussies?!? (as though in clear acceptance of the response)
BSB: No surprises there. (meaning that aussies are lazy and unwilling to help)
What makes this a very humorous commercial is that there is a healthy love/ hate relationship between New Zealand and Australia and any opportunity to “put the boot in” or competitively gain some verbal, moral or sporting advantage over either party, is a battle well worth fighting. I was born in New Zealand and am proud of my heritage, and am also a proud certificate bearing Aussie. I think that in spite of the healthy competition and "one up man ship" that revolves constantly about the relationship, there is also a respect for things we share as well. Both countries are beautiful, in different ways I grant you, but all beautiful nonetheless.
Another commercial to highlight the feud between both nations is seen in this clip.
To further add a point of interest, here is a smart alec's view of New Zealand accents, which if said may give those of you from overseas an idea of how it sounds.
Dan asked to have the transcript of the commercial owing to their accents, here it appears with a bit of commentary
Blue Shirt Boy (BSB): - What are you Doin this weekend?
Flannelette shirt boy (FSB):- I’m putting up a retaining wall !
BSB: Doing it yourself?
FSB: Nah, I’m going to get some bloke in! (Bloke is an idiom for man)
BSB: Oh, C’mon mate, Do it yourself!!!
FSB: She’s a pretty big job? (Expressing some doubt as to his capacity to fulfil the task.)
BSB: Aw You’ll be right! (meaning, don’t sweat it you can do it!)
FSB: You Reckon? ( meaning, you sure I can do it?)
BSB: We can knock it over in half a day (meaning its small, we can do it in half a day)
FSB: Yeah??
BSB: Get a couple of mates around! ( with many hands the work becomes light.)
Hey Jonesy!
Yellow Shirt Boy (YSB): Ha?
BSB: Give us a hand with a job Saturday?! (meaning come and help us do some work)
YSB: Mate!! You’re Dreaming! (meaning get lost, I am not going to help you)
As BSB and FSB shake their heads at each other
FSB: Aussies?!? (as though in clear acceptance of the response)
BSB: No surprises there. (meaning that aussies are lazy and unwilling to help)
What makes this a very humorous commercial is that there is a healthy love/ hate relationship between New Zealand and Australia and any opportunity to “put the boot in” or competitively gain some verbal, moral or sporting advantage over either party, is a battle well worth fighting. I was born in New Zealand and am proud of my heritage, and am also a proud certificate bearing Aussie. I think that in spite of the healthy competition and "one up man ship" that revolves constantly about the relationship, there is also a respect for things we share as well. Both countries are beautiful, in different ways I grant you, but all beautiful nonetheless.
Another commercial to highlight the feud between both nations is seen in this clip.
To further add a point of interest, here is a smart alec's view of New Zealand accents, which if said may give those of you from overseas an idea of how it sounds.

I'm not Aussie nor from NZ. But I'm sure I'll enjoy this clip even more (I think the kids are great) if I understand exactly what they are saying. (accents, accents, accents). Do you think you could jot down their conversation for reference? Pleeassse?
Tammy, yeah, there is a bit of a feud. I think it fair to say that it varies, and I know more than a few Aussies who having been to New Zealand to visit, walk away with an absolute awe for the place, but the awe and respect can end on the football field, or cricket field, netball court, Rugby Union, Soccer and any other arena where the two nations come face to face. It is humorous to witness at times.
Thanks for commenting.
Thank you for doing that. I will send this link to my friend now.
i also had no idea about the little fued between NZ and Australia! Funny but interesting!
My sister is going to Sydney for her honeymoon next month. So jealous!