What a perfect day. I have been richly rewarded over the last couple of days with some new photographic friends who have visited here on my blog, WELCOME RUBY & MELISSA. I have also been in contact with a few dear and special friends over the last couple of days as much to be there and listen for them, as I have been indirectly needing some TLC for myself. I want all of my old friends and all of my new ones to know how grateful I am for each of you. I have been enjoying the beautiful warmth that radiates by sharing time with friends. I value the few friends I have and prize you all as valuable as gold and other precious things.
I have also been loving the show of the "Light Fantastic" from nature as I walk each morning lately and see the day commence. I love life. I am just so appreciative of the rich influences and simple things I see and absorb each day. It is my hope that you all feel loved and appreciated today especially. Both the Guys and the Girls.
It amazes me in chatting with a good friend yesterday, how much we as people fail to let those in our lives who matter, know that we love and appreciate each of them, and the results that are caused by omitting the chance and opportunity of letting everyone around us, feel our care as often as we can. To Illustrate the point further, I actually refer to an example of a discussion I had with a male friend earlier in the week when I said to my mate that, "you should tell the people that matter to you the most, often, how much you love them". The person answered simply, "Oh, they already know that". I said "How? have you told them recently?" the puzzled look on his face told me that he had not told them and certainly was not feeling it back from those he cares about either. Is it me, or is this rocket science? It doesn't cost us a thing to be kind, it doesn't cost us a thing to share love and ourselves with others. Yes, we can be hurt, yes people can misinterpret the meaning of what we say, and yes, we can, out of simple well meaning expressions, offend people as well by sharing and showing our love. That stinks, it really does, but don't expect me to stop doing it because I get hurt sometimes! Sheesh.
I asked a door to door sales person whom I bought a vacuum cleaner from recently at a very hefty price point, I say that because I was dumbfounded a vacuum cleaner could cost so much and amazed that he got many sales. I said "Why do you do this?" "you must get a lot of rejection!" he answered with a smile on his face and said simply; "yes, some people are very rude sometimes, but when I get people who really appreciate the service I provide, I make a sale here and there, then it makes it all worthwhile." I admired his resilience and perseverance. I asked again; "why do you do this - what is leading you toward?" and then his face lit up even more about how he is going to run a business of his own when he gets enough sales and on and on he went. I admired him even more. I know he will accomplish his hopes and dreams on his own terms and be successful. Why raise this example? To simply suggest that when we put our hearts on our sleeves and in public. It may be battered and bruised and hurt and offended, but it is the one or two who get the message and feel our sincerity and love that make it ALL worthwhile.
People!!!! hello!!
We as people generally, are very forgetful. We need to be reminded often that we are appreciated and loved. I figure if you want to feel those feelings coming to you, try giving them first - meaningfully and without qualification. You just never know it might come back to you in ways that your heart cannot contain for bursting with gratitude. I suspect that the content of what I say is neither revolutionary nor new to anyone, yet so often we fail to do it. It really is truer now than at any time previously. "What the world needs now is Love Sweet Love". I extend mine without reservation to you all and extend my gratitude for the impact you all make in my life.
Todays images are more from some of the weddings I have done recently in the last week and a half and all are copyrighted and blah blah blah. . Have a great day everyone! and in the famous words of former Australian middle weight or was that banter weight division of world boxing, one Jeff Fenech, he used to say; "I loves youse all!" and thus I do.

I had been a silent observer of your blog and intend to remain as such, EXCEPT today...and only today.
Today especially, I want you (and the world) to know that you are (and always have been) loved and adored by me and our son Denzel. We love you for what you are, or intend to be. At times when you feel that you don't mean much to the rest of the world, please remember that to me and Denzel--YOU are the world.
You are the companion with whom I have suffered sorrow and disappointments, and celebrated achievements and successes; we wept together and laughed together; we have prayed and worshipped together; we have danced; we have sung; we have entertained; we have loved and been loved; we have been in the depths together; AND WE WILL soar to the heights together. Denzel and I blossom because of you.
Thank You for- the memories, your son, your beautiful spirit and creative nature, and choosing to take me with you as you travel the "road less travelled by". May we travel together throughout all eternity.
This is my Valentine Tribute to you :
I love you.
I really like that first shot! So great!
Have a great day, glad we "met"
thank you for sharing your Valentine tribute to Craig with all of us.
It certainly has made my day!!!
You have also shared a dimension of Craig's life that was not apparent previously. He is truely a blessed man to have such a loving and devoted wife and partner.
Wishing you both many, many more years of happiness together.
Melissa - I am glad too!
V2T - I have forwarded your comment on to Marcelina. Thank you too.
You shared with us that of all your life's goals, the 3 most important were:
1) To love what you do
2) To have real (romantic)love in your life
3) To be able to give that love back
Congratulations then Craig! Whether or not you realise all the other dreams you are chasing, you can at least say your life has been an outstanding success to have already achieved all 3.
Live, Love, Laugh (and dance! as best you can, anyway;-)