Fame: A fickle food on a shifting plate

One of my colleagues yesterday was asking about my appearances in times past on Foxtel's TVSN, which is a 24 hour a day home shopping network here in Australia. I looked at some of the pictures taken of me with some of the presenters and got quite nostalgic and thought I would post a couple here. I appeared on TVSN promoting Samsung cameras, tripods and printer docks etc. I appeared some 40 times over a period of 12 months. I loved it because I was doing something different that took me into a different arena to what is or was the norm. The only claim to fame I had as a result of my appearances was when I was in a Gloria Jeans coffee shop buying a hot chocolate one day when a lady in front of me turned and said "You are the Samsung man!" I couldn't help feel as I smiled, that there is so much more to me than that!. No doubt some of you will think it self indulgent to put these pictures here, but it was a fun thing to do, and you just never know...it may not be my last time to be on TV - in fact I also appeared on a game show called Burgo's catch phrase as well, that was a bit of a lark and I walked away with prizes totalling $1500 !!!"
