The flickering flame
A dear friend of mine reminded me yesterday of the importance of making a difference to the world by starting from within. This was something that came in response to a previous post of mine on this blog. I had made mention of my stand to become more caring and tolerant. She also said that she was a small flame. Indeed at times we can think we are but small flames. In my response to Lynn, I was reminded of the words of a song from the Church College of New Zealand that I shared with her and will share here now also. After hearing and singing it many times myself previously, the words struck me with a new meaning and understanding. It is a simple song that is still very relevant.
It is better to light just one little candle than to stumble in the dark,
better far than to light, just one little candle
All you need is a tiny spark,
If we all say a prayer that the world would be free
What a wonderful dawn of a new day we'd see
And if everyone lit, just one little candle what a bright world this would be
Isn't living an amazing experience?
I have undergone a great deal of growth in the last few weeks, and perhaps more significantly in the last few days. I have felt love and joy, sadness and pain. I have come to understand more about the impact I make in life. The considered impact upon myself, the impact on others and on life generally. A Professor of Law and psychology who once addressed the UN on the rights of the family and the individual and was a key note address speaker in Geneva in recent times, said to me on one occasion that we make the mistake of thinking that life is ours, we can do what we want, it's our body and our life. He added the flawed nature of that mistaken belief, and said that we are in very essence the culmination of all the hopes and dreams of our parents and forebears who want the best for us and who will one day us ask us for an accounting of what we did with their name and with our lives. Interesting thought.
I feel very unworthy on occasion for the love and respect people have for me. I have hurt many people with my actions. Not with physical abuse or things of that nature. Whilst never wanting to hurt anybody, the impact upon me presently about the choices and directions I take in life and the wider ramifications to others is sobering. It still is only now registering that I can make a choice or action that will affect the rest of my life or the lives of others. I think in the movie Gladiator, Marcus Aurelius made the comment "what we do here and now echoes in eternity." I am so grateful that many of the pranks I pulled or downright stupid things I did as a teen were never malicious or caused me to have life long regrets, though I do cringe at some of the things I did and still do sometimes.
In the evergreen words of Frank Sinatra's signature tune, My Way he sang:
I’ve loved, I’ve laughed and cried.
I’ve had my fill, my share of losing.
And now, as tears subside,
I find it all so amusing.
To think I did all that;
And may I say - not in a shy way,
No, oh no not me,
I did it my way.
For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels,
And not the words of one, who kneels,
The record shows I took the blows -
And did it my way!
I do not think I will look upon another individual in dismissive judgement again, without first realising the many faults and weaknesses I have may in fact be much more than they have. I believe me to be a good person intrinsically, but recognise my flaws. I am convinced there may be people who read this who will recognise and know of many more also. For those who are hurt by my actions or words I deeply and unreservedly apologise. I am trying so hard to live life the best way I can, in being true to the person I want to be, and the person I can become and the person I am right now. It would be easy to sit back and say it's everyone else’s fault, but we all know that the way to rise or fall or become cynical, angry, happy and accomplished lies within each of us. I have always been impressed with the thought that the greatest of all human achievement began with a single thought. So in full circle to how this post started. The thoughts I have to begin anew and be better today than I was yesterday can be like a flame on a candle which may be buffeted from the winds of opposition, as I brace the flame with my hand to prevent it from being extinguished, I move gingerly forward.
Become the person you have always wanted to be. "Reach out and touch somebody's hand, make the world a better place if you can." And we all can.
I wish you all peace and happiness today.
You touch many hearts and souls.... especially mine.
Do you have a particular religious persuasion or belief system that serves as a guide in your life?
Is there a set of rules or a blueprint that you follow?
You refer to varying prominant individuals with respect and awe. But do you have a spiritual leader or icon that you look to for example?
If so, could you share that with us?
Your comments always find their mark, and I am grateful for you.
Constantly speaking of self betterment...well, yeah, I do. What serves as the foundation for that in essence is, that my life is not in the perspectives I wish or hope for at present, and I strive to realise the potential I have placed on myself, that I know I am capable of. That's all.
As for a particular religious persuasion, yeah, I guess persuasion would cover it. I am what most people refer to as a Mormon. Having said that though, I have many dear and precious friends who are buddhist, catholic, jehovah's witness, church of England, Protestant and so on and so on. I think all religious persuasions that I come to learn and understand from my friends, influences my thinking and feeling toward my own life. I am reminded of Sir Tim Rice's words from the Lion King, from the day we arrive on the planet, and blinking, step into the sun. There is more to see than can ever be seen, more to do that can ever be done. I try hard to glean from the life and philosophies of others to better understand the things I want for myself. Almost like cramming for an exam, only I am trying to cram a couple of lifetimes into my own experience.
I don't think I have a spiritual leader perse that I can point toward, though I love the Prophet, President of the church Gordon B. Hinckley. He is a great, caring man who is imbued with energy and love. But I also find many of the words of Kipling, Mahatma Ghandi, Nelson Mandela and so many others inspirational.
I would not have drawn that conclusion, though I can objectively see how such a conclusion can be reached. I just feel that I allign easily and understand people of many faiths. I have met and know so many people who are not of my faith, whom I deem as fellow children of God, and find it repugnant that religion of almost any description seems "exclusive" to the almost dismissal of all good people irrespective of what line of faith they follow. I sat a wedding guest table recently of 12 people who were all Born again Christians who the moment I sat down said:- When were you saved? I understood clearly the question, AND it's ramifications and said I was a "Mormon" to which I inwardly braced myself for the onslaught...and it came. A barrage of condemnation that ended abruptly when one of the 12 said you are going to hell. I hope you are happy there. My response was, the Saviour and redeemer of the world that I believe in, is a person of great love, a person of hope and a person of great compassion every teaching and example of Christ I have read and pondered suggest this to be fact. It seems to me that you have equated your small mindedness to the mind and will of God's capacities (which I found abhorrent). The barrage started again. People came up to me and said I feel sorry for you. I have had, and most mormons to some degree have also, faced ridicule and persecution of varying degrees since the church's inception. I also recognise that like people generally, NO mormon is perfect, many I would feel and choose not to associate with, but I believe the teachings and tenets for betterment and striving toward a larger goal most represent how I feel. I simply added that I feel close to and appreciate those of other faiths because often I have been accused of seeing the world through Mormon eyes and I added the rest to outwardly express my love generally for people....irrespective of what religious tenets they follow. I personally believe that one of the biggest things that will "save" us when we stand before God will be our capacity to love others, to forgive others, and ultimately ourselves whilst we travailed the place we now inhabit. Thanks for asking. I am endeavouring not to preach here, this blog really was and is my space to express what I think and feel. I have had 1 or 2 friends pass corrosive comments to me since it started to suggest I am an exhibitionist and and an idiot for allowing people like you to comment on my life or it's experience. But I am challenged by you, and and sense a deep and very caring side to you. I sense you a person who knows me, and wants the best for me, and so in that belief I continue our anonymous discussions. Thanks again....really whoever you are!
I am really quite touched by your expressions of your inner beliefs. I found it very satisfying to hear more of who you are and what makes you 'tick.'
In my experience, a person's belief system can really define who they are inwardly and outwardly. Your experience with the Christian people at the wedding you attended very clearly illustrated this.
Your intent was not to preach and you achieved that I must say. However, I have to admit, my opinion of "Mormons" has been influenced by the way that you conducted yourself in this particular response.
"I have had 1 or 2 friends pass corrosive comments to me since it started to suggest I am an exhibitionist and and an idiot for allowing people like you to comment on my life or it's experience."
After initially chuckling at this, I thought that your friends are probably trying to protect you and look after you. No doubt, their intentions are good.
My own thoughts on why you do this blog?
You have courage...more than I have. I must be honest in saying that I do not have a blog myself. The reason? Nothing intriguing to say. Nothing that I think would interest other people.
I also wonder if there is a part of you that just really wants to reach out.
I have observed that you have an openness and vulnerability to forge ahead in spite of the occasional bump in the road in the form of a challenging thread from an unknown commenter.
Are you an exhibitionist? (Jest)
A serious question now...are you writing for someone in particular? I know you write for anyone out there, but are you writing for someone in particular?
In your heart of hearts, is there someone you are writing for - someone you are trying to contact or connect with, either consciously or subconsciously?
You see, sometimes your posts read that way, to me anyway.
It may be a personal question, and I do wish you had a personal message option on your blog. There are some comments I would rather not have posted on this main page (past and present). This is a question I would have preferred to ask you privately.
What a beautiful couple of comments. Thank you for YOUR openness. I believe it would be appropriate to let you know that I do want to reach out. To anyone in particular? hmmm,no. I just write, honestly believing I too have nothing intriguing to say. I just do so as a subtle vehicle to express that I passed this way. Perhaps a way of saying I was here. I have so many faults and so many weknesses I am sometimes polarised by thinking what I have done, and what I haven't done in my life and think that for the rank and file number of people my life is uninteresting and as far as most guys go anyway, BORING!
I have just re-read your post and have thought again about am I writing for anyone consciously or sub consciously and must admit I had not thought about that before. If I think more on that at a later time I will advise. Hmmm interesting question.
If you ever need to contact me and ask a question off the record please feel free to do so at the following address
There are also some people who read my posts and miss the detail of what I say, interesting that you most often don't. Some people even post here, other than you, and really don't always get me. But then neither do the people of my friends that comment corrosively. I do not want to live my life in a protective bubble, afraid to get hurt, afraid to have people not like me, or afraid that they may not like who Iam. I try to be the best I can and if I allow other people to be touched by that then we both find a resonance and friendship in that process.
Thanks for all that you add to me!
I mean that sincerely...I do.
Peace and happiness to you.
Big smiles and hugs from me!